Sustainable Investment
Transforming The Future: Sustainable Investing for People and Planet
The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
Understanding Sustainable Investments
With the world facing huge social and economic problems in addition to climate crisis, investors have a vital role to play in helping effect better outcomes for people and planet.
There is strong commitment throughout Mango Asset Management, from the board all the way down, to invest sustainably and run our business according to the highest ethical standards.
Renewable Energy & Climate Change
Renewable energy now accounts for a third of global power capacity.
We’re helping industries transition operations and business models to help usher in a low-carbon economy.
Investments from an ESG Perspective
Wherever possible, we seek to direct capital towards firms making a positive impact towards one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and avoid investing in any companies having a negative impact on the environment or society. We also analyse each of our investments from an ESG perspective to help us uncover opportunities or identify risks that traditional financial analysis alone might have missed.
Inclusive, Low-carbon Economy
To support the transition to an inclusive, low-carbon economy, we are partnering with our global businesses to harness markets, deepen capabilities, and foster innovation.